Shakespeare Words
Holy Cow!
1.) A term of surprise uttered by JFK when he found out Kennedy aide Kenneth O’Donnell had received a watch from Marylin Monroe (see also Preston and Steve or WMMR)
2.) An ice cream concoction created by the members of the Preston and Steve Show, distributed by Bassett’s Ice Cream
1.) “Did Jackie see it? Oh for Christ’s sake tell me Jackie didn’t see it! Holy crap! I don’t care where you put it, pound it up your butt, but get it out of here! GADOOK! Yeah , Yeah, Cuba has missles, where’s the watch?” – Steve Morrision
2.) “I went to WAWA and those clowns were out of Gadook! Ice Cream”
2.) An ice cream concoction created by the members of the Preston and Steve Show, distributed by Bassett’s Ice Cream
1.) “Did Jackie see it? Oh for Christ’s sake tell me Jackie didn’t see it! Holy crap! I don’t care where you put it, pound it up your butt, but get it out of here! GADOOK! Yeah , Yeah, Cuba has missles, where’s the watch?” – Steve Morrision
2.) “I went to WAWA and those clowns were out of Gadook! Ice Cream”
Urban Dictionary
It means WOW! Holy Cow!
Gadook Batman!
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